
Monday, April 26, 2010


Tape Stencil to card using removable tape.  Always remember to tape the left side of stencil first and then the other three sides.  When removing tape, reverse order leaving the left side until last.  You can then lift stencil,  tape on left edge acts like a door hinge.

Next, using a palette knife apply stencil paste like you are frosting a card.  Don't push too hard as that can force paste under stencil.

Once paste covers entire image, use the back edge of your palette knife to remove excess paste.  Scrape knife evenly across stencil to remove and then return excess paste to jar.

Remove three sides of tape and lift stencil like opening a door.  Check to see if paste is even.  If so, remove stencil and immediately wash with warm soapy water.  Allow paste to dry before next technique or if desired, sprinkle wet paste with glitter.

Below are three of the cards we will be making in class.

The above card was done with the new crackle paste.  Notice the great crackle on the close up.  This was a fun product to use.  So many possibilities.

It's hard to see but this card used paste with pigment powders applied on the top.  Beautiful sheen.

This card uses two stencils together, inks, sprays and embossing enamel.  A very gorgeous technique.

Only two spots left--don't miss this one!

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